Mudeford Sandbank

Mudeford Sandbank is a unique spit of land which adjoins Hengistbury Head and is a natural barrier between Christchurch Harbour and the sea.

The low-level view from across the harbour is iconic and has been managed by the Council by strict rules limiting the size, roof line and colour of the beach huts.

As you can see from the picture above the proposed café will ruin that iconic view which previous councils have sought to preserve – in size, character and colour.

In recognition of the fragility of the Sandbank and Hengistbury Head natural environments the council produced a  MUDEFORD SANDBANK MANAGEMENT PLAN  in 2014.

In its plan the Council’s vision for the Sandbank is “To maintain the tranquil nature of this unique and beautiful environment as a place for peaceful pleasure.”

If you don’t believe the Council’s  plans for a bigger, busier café fulfils this vision please let them know at