Coastal Strategy Community Engagement

Mudeford Sandbank Coastal Strategy 2018

In 2017/2018 Christchurch council undertook an extensive public consultation to inform the future policy for the Christchurch and Mudeford Sandbank Coastline.

The consultation papers and results, which went to the January 2018 community committee of Christchurch Borough Council, showed overwhelmingly that local residents felt there should be no change to Mudeford Sandbank and that the unique environment should be protected.

Councillors resolved that these results should inform future the policies of BCP Council.

Full Council documents and resolutions here:

Coastal Strategy – results of community engagement pdf document.

Mudeford Sandbank Coastal Strategy

Christchurch Community Committee, Wednesday, 24th January, 2018 6.00 pm

Agenda Item 262

  1. RECOMMENDED that;
    1. a)The results of the community engagement on the Christchurch Coastal Strategy be noted and members of the community thanked for their contributions;
    2. b)Given the current level of uncertainty arising as a result of Local Government Reorganisation and the overwhelming outcome from the engagement events being to ‘keep things as they are’, a strategy document is not produced at this time, however:
    3. c)The existing individual characteristics of each section of coast described in paragraph 2.7 should form the basis on which any future proposals are founded;
    4. d)The generic principles shown in paragraph 3.7 are given due consideration in developing any future proposals along the coast and where projects do come forward, further local engagement should take place;
    5. e)The actions outlined in paragraph 3.15 be implemented where possible;
    6. f)The principles for future development for each section of coast as shown in paragraph 3.17 be considered in any future proposals;
    7. g)The positive way in which the community engagement was received by the public be noted and the use of the website, in particular, be considered for future projects; and
    8. h)This council strongly requires that this document should be carried forward to any future authority for implementation.

    Voting: Unanimous